Generate MIDI with Physics

  • BounceBud is a generative MIDI sequencer app with a real physics engine underneath.

    - It has 4 customizable keyboards on each side. When a ball collides with a keyboard, the keyboard plays that note.

    - Each keyboard also has their own MIDI outputs, so you can control multiple audio apps per keyboard.

    - All keyboards share the same key/scale that you can change on the settings menu or with BrainBud.

Keypad of the app.

Customise the Keyboards

  • You can change the octave range, velocity range and MIDI in/out channels of the keyboards on the settings menu.

    You can also specify the individual notes per keyboard, so you can create arps or even play single notes.

    You can shoot walls with MIDI input for introducing more generative randomness to the playground.

    By assigning MIDI input channels, you can shoot walls per keyboard individually.

Chord intervals for richer sounds.

Control the Playground

  • Ball physics behavior could be changed on the settings menu.

    You can toggle the collision between balls and create completely different kind of sequences.

    The ball count, speed and size can be changed on the bottom toolbar.

    Speed and size also has a variety option for introducing randomness that could be changed in the settings menu.

    BounceBud also has colorful themes for the balls as well.

Settings menu of the app.

Take advantage of the AUv3 Plugin

  • BounceBud app runs as standalone app as well as AUv3 MIDI Plugin.

    Create AU presets and use AU parameters of the AUv3 plugin.

    Control or even automate every AU parameter of BounceBud.

    Modulate the parameters or change the patterns with PatternBud.

Settings menu of the app.

Download for iOS or Apple Silicon

Open source

BounceBud offers its core componets on Github.
They are all shared libraries for iOS, macOS and tvOS platforms, written in Swift.

Music Theory

A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in Swift enums.


Fully custumisable and editable knob with rotary, horizontal and/or vertical gesture recognition.


@IBDesignable Horizontal or vertical UIControl subclass that can start from bottom or middle of the control.

Other Apps

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In Theory

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Bud App Controller.


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Auto Bass

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Auto Fills

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MIDI Arpeggiator.


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Note to Be

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