ScaleBud 2 has more than 110 scales built-in!
You can work with notes or chords of any scale in any key.
ScaleBud 2 also allows you to create your own custom scales as well.
You will be able to use your custom scales in other bud apps like MelodyBud and SnakeBud.
You can create as many keyboard rows as you want with ScaleBud 2.
You can assign different key/scale/chord to each keyboard row.
You can control the keyboard rows with your MIDI keyboard or multiple MIDI keyboards.
With the new "round off-scale notes" feature, ScaleBud 2 will play the off-scale note you played to the nearest note in the scale.
ScaleBud 2 has an advanced settings screen where you can add/remove/configure each of your keyboard rows.
You can enable/disable the MIDI in/out, MIDI channel, note range and transpose settings for each keyboard row.
With the note range settings, you can split your MIDI keyboard and play different ScaleBud 2 keyboard row.
You can play chords on the one side of your MIDI keyboard and play different scales on the other side of your MIDI keyboard.
ScaleBud 2 runs as standalone app as well as AUv3 MIDI Plugin.
Create AU presets and use AU parameters of the AUv3 plugin.
ScaleBud 2 offers 10 AU parameters where you can control or even automate every single parameter.
The custom scales you created shared between all AUv3 instances and the standalone app.
ScaleBud 2 offers its core componets on Github.
They are all shared libraries for iOS, macOS and tvOS platforms, written in Swift.
A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in Swift enums.
@IBDesignable Horizontal or vertical UIControl subclass that can start from bottom or middle of the control.