Instant Techno Bassline Machine

  • Euclid Goes to Party has a neat PWM oscillator with an euclidean sequencer.

    You can create sick techno bass lines right off the bat just by pressing the play button.

    The PWM controlled by an LFO with adjustable range and PWM amount.

    You can apply adjustable amount of modulation to low pass filter and shape the sound.

    Envelope generator has adjustable attack and decay portions. It also controls the filter modulation.

Techno bass lines with PWM synth and euclidean sequencer.

Euclidean Sequencer

  • The sequencer is super fun to play and have up to 32 steps.

  • You can create very interesting polyrhythmic variations with irrational step/pulse combinations.

  • You can rotate the sequence either left or right and create a whole different rhythm with a single step on the fly!

  • The note rate of the sequencer can adjustable with the rate stepper for faster or slower sequences.

Euclidean sequencer.

Take Advantage of the AUv3 Plugin

  • Euclid Goes to Party has an AUv3 plugin that you can open in a host audio app like AUM, Garageband or Cubase.

    You can apply other AUv3 Effect apps like reverb and delay for extending the sound palette.

    You can save your own presets as Audio Unit user presets and load them back any time.

    All of the synth and sequencer parameters are accessible as Audio Unit parameters.

    You can automate the parameter modulation on supported host apps or you can control them with MIDI CC messages.

Audio Unit Parameters

Ableton Link and Other Bonuses

  • The standalone version of Euclid Goes to Party supports Ableton Link.

  • You can start/stop or be in sync with your apps using Ableton Link.

  • The oscillator frequency has two modes, free and note. You can change it freely or you can quantize it to the notes.

  • You can set a specific scale in for the note mode and always be in the scale. You can also modulate the note knob with AU parameters as well.

Ableton Link support.

Download for iOS or Apple Silicon

Open source

Euclid Goes to Party offers its core componets on Github.
They are all shared libraries for iOS, macOS and tvOS platforms, written in Swift.

Music Theory

A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in Swift enums.


Fully custumisable and editable knob with rotary, horizontal and/or vertical gesture recognition.


Free library for iOS.

Other Apps

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ChordBud 2

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AUv3 Techno Bass Lines.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Generative Sequencer.

ScaleBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Keyboard.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.


Multitrack Polyrhythmic Sequencer.


MIDI CC Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.

In Theory

AUv3 MIDI Keyboard.


Bud App Controller.


Binary Based MIDI Sequencer.

Auto Bass

Bassline MIDI Generator.


Physics Based MIDI Sequencer.


Generative MIDI Sequencer.

Auto Fills

Drum Fill Generator.


MIDI Arpeggiator.


Generative MIDI Sequencer.

Note to Be

AUv3 MIDI Quantizer.


Chord Progression Sequencer.


Vinyl Scratching FX


Morphing FX Processor

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