Focus on Your Sequencers

  • ArpBud designed for creating arpeggios and sequences as easy as possible.

    It has two main sequencers, the interval sequencer and the pitch sequencer with unlimited number of steps for each.

    You can add/remove/copy/paste steps, load other sequencers from your other projects and set step's value with either knobs or touch gestures on step buttons.

Sequencer & Arpeggiator.

Interval Sequencer

  • With interval sequencer, you can design your arpeggios by their halfsteps (intervals) and sequence them with by applying its container pitch sequencer's pitch value.

  • You can also send pitch bend, modulation and portamento MIDI control commands as well.

Interval sequencer.

Pitch Sequencer

  • Every step of pitch sequencer has its own interval sequencer.

    Their pitch value will be applied to interval values of its interval sequencer steps while sequencing.

    For example, if you have a pitch sequencer step with pitch C4 and its interval sequencer has steps with 0, 1, 2, 3 interval values, it will be sequence C4, C#4, D4, D#4.

    Pitch sequencer has two modes, edit and play. In edit mode, you can switch between the steps for editing that step's interval sequencer. In play mode, you can toggle on/off the steps.

    You can also change the rate, arpeggio style and loop count.

Pitch sequencer.

Universal design

  • ArpBud designed for iPhone and iPad with either orientations.

    You can also take advantage of your ipad's split view for designing your sequences with ArpBud and designing your sound with compatible apps in one screen.

    You can customise the layout from settings menu for making yourself more comfortable.

Smart layout on iOS Devices.

Sequence Your Favorite Apps

  • Sequence your favorite MIDI enabled audio apps either on your iOS device or your Mac/PC.

    CoreMIDI (iOS, PC, Mac apps).

    Control apps and DAWs like Model15, Garageband, FMPlayer

    When not sequencing, you can arpeggiate the active interval sequencer with connected MIDI input, either an app or hardware like a MIDI keyboard.

Sequence MIDI apps.

Audiobus, IAA, Ableton Link

  • ArpBud also supports Audiobus MIDI, IAA and Ableton Link for fitting into your current workflow.

    You can export your projects as MIDI files if you want to use or edit them in other softwares.

Audiobus, IAA, Ableton Link.

Discontinued! Please check out ArpBud 2

Download for iOS

Open source

ArpBud offers its core componets on Github.
They are all shared libraries for iOS, macOS and tvOS platforms, written in Swift.

Music Theory

A music theory library with Note, Interval, Scale and Chord representations in Swift enums.


Send and receive MIDI in human language with Swift enums.


Fully custumisable and editable knob with rotary, horizontal and/or vertical gesture recognition.

Other Apps

ArpBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Arpeggiator.

ChordBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Chord Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Recorder.


AUv3 Techno Bass Lines.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Generative Sequencer.

ScaleBud 2

AUv3 MIDI Keyboard.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.


Multitrack Polyrhythmic Sequencer.


MIDI CC Sequencer.


AUv3 MIDI Sequencer.

In Theory

AUv3 MIDI Keyboard.


Bud App Controller.


Binary Based MIDI Sequencer.

Auto Bass

Bassline MIDI Generator.


Physics Based MIDI Sequencer.


Generative MIDI Sequencer.

Auto Fills

Drum Fill Generator.


MIDI Arpeggiator.


Generative MIDI Sequencer.

Note to Be

AUv3 MIDI Quantizer.


Chord Progression Sequencer.


Vinyl Scratching FX


Morphing FX Processor

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